Category: technology

  • ActiveMQ Network Connectors Demystified

    When trying to get your head around how ActiveMQ’s networks of brokers work, it helps to have an understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved. I’ve always thought of it as the “Lego brick model” – once you understand the smaller pieces, you can reason about how they can be combined together. When a regular client…

  • Camel Cookbook Launch at LJC, March 5th

    After all the hard work comes the fun. On Wednesday 5th of March, I will be giving a presentation entitled “Effective System Integrations with Apache Camel” at Skillsmatter, in London; hosted by the good folks from the London Java Community. The evening will kick off at 6:15, and I’ll be headlining 😉 at 6:45. The…

  • Apache Camel Developer’s Cookbook

    I am pleased to finally announce the reason that I have fallen off the face of the Earth over the past year – myself and Scott Cranton have just finished writing the Apache Camel Developer’s Cookbook. The book will be published by Packt Publishing later this month. It is available for pre-order on the Packt…

  • Monitoring ActiveMQ via HTTP

    29/4/2014 The following information is a little bit stale. Since version 5.9.1 of ActiveMQ, is no longer part of the ActiveMQ distribution from Apache, but Jolokia is. Jolokia runs on http://localhost:8161/api/jolokia by default, so if you keep this in mind while reading this post, the remaining instructions are still correct. Dejan Bosanac has written…

  • Deep testing of integrations with Camel

    One of the things that often comes up in client conversations about developing integration code with Camel is what test support is available, and more to the point appropriate, for testing integrations. There is a spectrum of test types that can be performed, ranging from fully automated unit tests to full-blown multi-system, user-based “click and…

  • Transactional persistence with MyBatis in ServiceMix

    This post has been a long time coming. A while back I cooked up a sample application, kind of a pet store for integration, that demonstrates a bunch of things that you might want to do beyond the standard bootstrap examples. This app takes the form of a horoscope aggregator, which allows you to view…

  • System Integrations as Plugins using Camel and ServiceMix

    I recently had a client with a use case that I thought would be interesting to share (and they were happy for me to talk about – no names, industry changed). Sample code and full instructions for the solution available as always at FuseByExample on Github. Imagine a system integration where the core logic is…

  • IT side-effects at the NHS

    My mother has a a phrase – professional illness. It’s the moment that she (an environmental engineer) walks into a random building and promptly looks at the air ducts. I suffer from the same thing – only around tech. Before and after the birth of my daughter, I have had more chances than ever to…

  • Developing web services in ServiceMix

    I have added a number of projects to FuseByExample/smx-ws-examples on GitHub that demonstrate how to go about developing a number of common web service use cases. The samples are designed to get you up and running quickly with SOAP based web services in an OSGi world. The examples include: a Maven project that generates all…

  • Build-time integration testing OSGi bundles in ServiceMix

    I have just added a new project to GitHub under FuseByExample/smx-integration-testing that you can use to verify at build time that your bundles and features will deploy and run as expected in a specific version of ServiceMix. The intention is that you can use it to kick start testing in your own projects. To do…