Category: java

  • Dublin Java Meetup Rebrand/Relaunch

    Over the coming months I’m going to be relaunching the Java Meetup that I organize. Hopefully rebranding it to a JUG will get a few more eyeballs on the group’s activities as it expands from a monthly drinks and discussion format. Some of the ideas I’m hoping to try out are coding workshops and perhaps…

  • What bugs me about Guice

    Last week I switched a basic Spring app to Guice, the new dependency-injection framework from Google. It’s nice, it’s quick, and it does what it says on the box, but one thing bothers me. I know it’s not really logical, but it’s like a rock in my shoe – I need to import annotations…

  • Dependency injection killed the factory pattern

    I was having a play with Guice (, the new dependency injection framework from the folks at Google, and something quite profound happened. I realised that having used Spring for a while now, it had been ages since I had to code up a factory class for pretty much anything. No more weird JNDI lookup…

  • Know your toolset

    Out of sheer curiosity I checked out the RadRace results for 2006 from Javapolis (is there a running theme here?) to see what toolkits the guys who seriously churn stuff out quickly are using. The toolsets were as diverse as anything you’re likely to see, some proprietary, some big-vendor, some open-source. What I thought was…

  • Coincidence?

    Jason Sankey just posted a list of OSGi tutorials: You have to love RSS…

  • OSGi vs. JSR-277

    I checked out the OSGi presentation from the Parleys site Wow. I haven’t really spent any time thinking about this stuff in the past, but it seems that yet again the JSR process is trying to formalize something that doesn’t need it. OSGi seems to be a much lighter, more powerful model whereby you…

  • An end to classloader nightmares

    I have been going through some of the presentations from the Javapolis 2006 conference, and I stumbled upon a talk by Stanley Ho from Sun Microsystems about JSR-277 Java Modules – The spec finally provides Java programmers the ability to programmatically enforce version dependencies within their code. No more classpath hell!! Woohoo! Once you…