All New Dublin JUG!

The people have spoken. The Dublin Java Meetup Group is now officially changing its name to the Dublin Java Users Group.

I’ve been going over ideas for pushing the JUG ahead over the coming months. So far pie in the sky stuff, but you have to have an agenda:
– meetups (of course – the forum over pints isn’t going anywhere)
– regular presentation sessions
– all day code workshops dealing with a particular technology (byo laptop)
– a one day mini conference (Java RIA anyone?)

I feel the ball is starting to get rolling.







One response to “All New Dublin JUG!”

  1. Paul Browne Avatar
    Paul Browne

    Saw from the comments on the ruby on rails meetups that they were thinking of doing ‘lightening talks’ – 10 minutes on a subject.

    Easier for people who aren’t used to talking in public, easier for listeners who may or may not be interested in that particular topic.