The sad state of Dublin’s kebabs

After an evening of stimulating conversation with some of Dim’s work colleagues, we wandered off from the pub with a hankering for kebab (as you do). To our complete digust, we had found that two previously solid joints, Momo’s (which we had both raved about to our mates) and Zaytoon, had replaced their lamb with that processed “meat” that looks like it’s had a severe run-in with an aerator. Cost cutting gone horribly wrong – so much so that we both got our money back at Momo’s: “What do you mean? This is exactly the same meat we have always served!” – sure…

I am thoroughly unimpressed. Aside from the I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-meat issue, the “garlic” sauce is mayonnaise based and has no garlic! Egads, what has the world come to? What Dublin needs is a proper greek souvlaki place with tzaziki so strong that you smell it from the next suburb. Although the whole new-skool souvlaki thing I’ve heard they have going on in Greece, stuffed with chips and ketchup, is all wrong.

They can’t all be dodgy, though. The search continues…



